Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, I can use MEIO-lvl.esp without using the other two, right? Because, this one .esp is a great addition to any game using COBL.
Yep, that's right. You only need 1 of the esp's.
IDK if there's anything for Armorer, but there's an Alchemy Bugfix mod that scripts to add effectiveness to Fortify Alchemy. So... no need to omit the effect, right?

I only know how the old fix worked and it wasn't perfect: You could only see the effect of the bonus while the alchemy menu was up.
I wonder how this new fix works, but even if it works flawlessly I probably won't add Fortify Alchemy effects to this mod since I've already tried and tested it. It could very quickly mean that I would only use alchemy when I had a Fortify Alchemy potion at hand because I didn't want non-fortified (weaker) potions and this in the end didn't add anything to the game. It just made using alchemy a much more rare activity.
Thanks for telling about the fix though.