» Sat May 28, 2011 12:12 pm
Oblivion had a greater amount of shops in the Imperial City, just in terms of merchants who sold weapons and armor, there were four shops, if I remember correctly, two smiths, one focusing on blunt weapons and one offering a selection of other weapons, and two armorers, one specializing in shields and one having two merchants, one who sold light armor and one who sold heavy armor, but mostly, this was limited to the Imperial City, for other cities, there was typically only one shop of each type, but I'd say this is likely a concequence of the scaled down nature of the gameworld. realistically speaking, one city might have quite a few merchants who sell the same sort of items, but in a scaled down city, Bethesda also has to scale back the number of shops.or we'd end up having too many shops to be believable in relation to the amount of houses in the city. It doesn't necessarily always have to be limited to one shop of each type per city, I would say that it really depends on the size of the city, but a minimum of one shop of each type is enough to provide for the player's basic needs.