After hours of planning and about 5 legal pads full of ideas, I've finally decided to scratch everything I'm currently working on to get this mod/utility finished. I've always thought it would be an awesome feature for any Elder Scrolls game, to be able to build your own custom houses with custom floor plans, 1, 2, 3, 940 stories, and all the features, colors, and materials that the player would desire to go along. Now, I'm actually going to make it. I've started on meshes and texturing, but I need some assistance with mesh conversion from anybody interested and capable. More details further in this post.
What it does:
This mod will give the player a new inventory item that, when activated, will enter 'build mode' which using a "Sim's" style interface, will allow the player to design custom houses from the ground up. When build mode is first entered, the camera will focus on a cursor, which will be (by default) on the ground. The player will be able to move the cursor up, down, left, right, rotate, and also have this full control over the camera. The player will begin building by raising or lowering the cursor to the height desired for the ground floor of the house or structure being built. Then, using the easy interface buttons, the player will choose which floor texture/tile to place, and begin placing floor pieces for the ground level. (It is suggested to build the floor of the home before building the foundation, in case you decide as you're going to expand the size of the home) - More details will come at a later time.
Next, the player will be able to select a number of different wall types. This ranges from traditional white walls, victorian style wall papers, concrete, jail bars, glass, wood, brick, etc. When a wall type is selected, the player will move the cursor to the "Auto-Grid-Snapped" location for the first wall piece, and begin building. Other wall types include doorways, starcase entries, with open windows, with closed windows, broken/cracked walls, curtains, dividers, etc. Once the walls and flooring is finished, the player may move on to adding other things such as stair cases, furnature, doors, windows, carpets, and many other decorative and architectural objects.
There are also custom 'rooms' which are simply empty interior cells with an infinite temporary ground plane that the player can use in the construction of his/her new home/building. Teleporting doors and markers can be placed to control warping the player between these interior cells and the outside world.
This mod gives you the ability to build your home/building entirely within the exterior world, or as an interior cell with a custom built shell. It's all up to you. The only real limitation is that you cannot have a staircase leading to a basemant if it's A.) part of the exterior world AND B.) the staircase descends below the ground terrain. In this case, it would be wise to simply add a door that can teleport to one of the available custom interior cells, and create the staircase and basemant floor within that cell.
I'm going to try to somehow prevent rain from penetrating the ceiling of the players home (when it's part of an exterior region), but I can't promise this to be possible or within my abilities. Currently the only way I can think of doing this is to create an invisible mesh that screws with the alphas of the rain texture.
There will also be custom script items which can be placed, that will enable you to hear weather sounds, see sunlight through windows, and many other currently popular features, within the interior cells of your new home/building.
Help Needed:
It would be nice to find someone who can help me convert meshes to NIF format.
I'll need someone who can create tiling textures.
Any ideas for additional items and texture types is appreciated.
Expected Release Date:
If everything goes smoothly and I get a little help, I can have this ready to release by christmas.
Other info:
The time consuming part will be creating textures so if you're capable and willing to help out, it would greatly help this thing become a reality sooner.
That is all for now. I'll post more info and screenshots as there is more progress. As of now I'm creating the interface.