Can't move forwards or backwords

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:36 pm

Never ran across this before so wonder if anyone has ever had this problem:

After a CTD, when I loaded my latest save, my character can't move forward or backward. I can jump, turn, tcl and use W and S key to move up and down, but never forward or backwards. Last night I was able to fix this by a reboot, but today even that woul not do it. Starting a new game I was able to move. I then began going back to the earliest saves and worked forward until my last save and was finally able to move.

Anyone experience this? Did you ever find what would cuse this?

For my testing I downgraded to OBSE19 from OBSE19b but that was not it. I changed heapmodes on OSR but that was not it either.

My LO has the same mods I always used, never had this problem. So I am just looking for some input. I can play OK, I do not CTD too often, just hope to avoid the long recovery process.

EDIT: I have removed Tie4Mods version 0.41 and that seems to have solved it this time around. I have not had a CTD again so will see if it was Tie4mods or not next time it happens.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:13 pm

Never ran across this before so wonder if anyone has ever had this problem:

After a CTD, when I loaded my latest save, my character can't move forward or backward. I can jump, turn, tcl and use W and S key to move up and down, but never forward or backwards. Last night I was able to fix this by a reboot, but today even that woul not do it. Starting a new game I was able to move. I then began going back to the earliest saves and worked forward until my last save and was finally able to move.

Anyone experience this? Did you ever find what would cuse this?

Often, if a character cannot do a certain move it's because of a wrong or missing animation. Like there are some mods which relocate the player's animations to the specialanimations folder, and if these anims are missing, nothing won't go. Or have you experimented with WalkForward.kf in your _male folder?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:59 am

Often, if a character cannot do a certain move it's because of a wrong or missing animation. Like there are some mods which relocate the player's animations to the specialanimations folder, and if these anims are missing, nothing won't go. Or have you experimented with WalkForward.kf in your _male folder?

Wow, over my head with that! What you say makes sense but I did not mess with any files or animation. So far removing Tie4mods 0.41 fixed it for now, just waiting for a CTD to see if it happens again.
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