Just to see if someone can verify this for me, all i have to do to install a mod with Wrye Bash is move the compressed archive to the Bash Installers folder and bring up the Wrye Bash menu and install it from the Installers tab and finally select the mod(s) in the Mods tab and hit the BOSS button to setup the load order automatically and then i'm good to go?
Uhm, yes, except you missed rebuilding your bashed patch after those steps - AND so long as the archive is already Bain ready/friendly, you need to make sure the archive you are using before you put it in the bash installers folder can be installed by bash - If the author of the mod did not say it is a bain then you need to ensure its packed correctly, for that you need to study how the mod should be installed, and apply that knowledge to creating the bain archive out of the mods files.
If you are creating a bain archive installer from an extracted OMOD, its obvious the file structure was not meant to be for Bain so you definately have work/study to do on those... how much depends on the complexity of the mod, and the mods authors idea of arranging files in his OMOD .. it may not conform to the usual subfolder structure of the oblivion data folder - Sometimes they rely on using the OBMM script to rename files from the OMOD at install time with OBMM, so in those case experienced knowledge of what files go where during an install comes in handy, or delving into the content of the omod installation script and getting a clue as to the logical chain of choices.
For instance there may be a body mod with texture1.dds and texture2.dds in the same folder of the OMOD, after install only one of them ends up in your textures folder, either the tattoo version or the non-tattoo version - Going by the naming in the OMOD ... which texture is which?, its a puzzle to solve.
Thats where you need to also read the second pdf of my guide, the advanced one. If you are new to this you have a fair bit of studying to do, and probably a hiccup or two along the way.
But the best thing about bains is, even if its not right, go back into the installers tab, right click it and un-install. Then Anneal all, boss load order, rebuild your bashed patch, and play on from the save where you were before you installed your last borked installer. Problems are no problem
