» Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:41 pm
Yea no I get it, they're a bonus, but you're not reading my replies. It's a crappy bonus as it stands. In the case of the health boost, it costs one supply pip, which, if you're doing your job right as a Medic, is a pretty big deal. In the case of the Health Command Post, you're wasting time / possibly lives capturing that command post and then using bodies defending it (ideally). That health "bonus" you get from either of those two sources goes away... QUICKLY. I have very little desire to waste too much supply buffing my team mates health, I have before, and I've decided my supply pips are better spent on revives. Now if that health that I use a supply pip on will regenerate, so I don't have to KEEP using supply pips, I'd be more likely to use it. Same logic goes with the command post.
EDIT: Also, yea, if you die, you lose the buffed health.