Ok people the community of brink who made this game kinda failed (READ THE REST OF THIS!) not SD just the people who were here before us but we have a chance to fix the game! make sure
everybody this the game is good but rubber banding was showed in the gameplay before the game released and the community didn't say or do anything about it. They ended up patching it but this really through PC user off because in consoles graphics isn't a problem because its a big HD tv but PC user have big problems with it.. but Lag is the consoles down side.... Now they are fixing this stuff and already is for some users BUT when a new player player enters this game they find it confusing, all the objectives, buffs, Medics, engineers, Operatives, and other things. thats why a TDM is good but it is fun for exspiringinced players too. It never gets old pwning some n00bs in TDM but the n00bs will still have more fun then getting owned in the objective game modes and fail your team and have people Screaming at you for losing am I right or maybe a simple but fun Capture the flag. Tell me what your think.
And yet another "let's make this game COD too" thread! Like I said in the other threads...don't you guys have enough COD games to play? Activision gives you people 1/year for crying out loud, that should be plenty to keep you busy without trying to turn every other shooter on the market into a COD copy!
TDM is completely idiotic mode to put in an objective based game. It would make absolutely no sense in BRINK and would only manage to cheapen it. You can't just throw in a mode just for the sake of having it in the game. There's a story and a meaning to every battle in this game, adding TDM would just be stupid! Why would the 2 sides be just fighting just for the sake of trying to kill each other?
Again....there are plenty of COD titles to play already, quit trying to turn every game in the world into another one!