So, I set out with just one objective when I sat down to play yesterday: find a steam gauge assembly. Sure, I had a bunch of other quests in my pip-boy, some of which might technically have been urgent. Sure, I *still* hadn't bothered to catch up to Benny yet (my character is extremely forgiving when it comes to guys who shoot him in the head and steal his belongings, what can I say, I'm a nice guy). But none of that other stuff mattered, for I had taken upon myself the righteous and holy quest of fixing the Mccaran canteen's food processor, and all else, whether it be rescuing hostages or deposing petty tyrants, would just have to wait. The thought of those good, honest NCR men and women having to suffer somewhat sub-par food had moved me to my core, and I had vowed not to rest until I had righted this wrong.
And so I walked. I walked up and down the highways of the Mojave, from Nipton to Freeside and back again. I explored gas stations and grocery stores, and warehouses and factories; I discovered the Sunset Sapsarilla bottling plant, and met a very helpful janitor-bot, but even this cheerful fellow had never heard of this mysterious "steam gauge assembly". I braved the terrors and wonders of Vault 3 and Vault 22, at great personal risk, only to resurface empty-handed. Nor could the merchants of the wastes help me either it seemed; Ralph in Freeside claimed such things did not exist, and Old Lady Gibson said she had not set eyes upon one since she was but a small girl. Truly, this must be an artifact of tremendous power and value, that will only reveal itself to a soul of selflessness and humility.
By the time I had finished yesterday, I had ingratiated myself with the Crimson Caravan; all but ended the reign of terror of the Fiends; aided the NCR's research and developement program immesurably; helped the refugees at camp aerotech in what little ways I could; had been a drug-runner-turned narc, pimp and debt-collector; and walked so many miles I was beginning to feel more Brahmin than man.
But I still didn't have a steam gauge assembly.