i just checked xbox.com as the pop up thing that told me it couldnt play the game said and all i found was this possibility
Update using a USB flash drive:
"Connect your USB flash drive to a USB port on your computer.
Click here to begin downloading the update folder. Save it as "$SystemUpdate9199.zip" anywhere on your computer.
Unzip the File.
Copy the contents from the unzipped folder onto the root of your flash drive.
Safely remove the flash drive from your computer and plug it into a USB port on your Xbox 360 console. If your console is on, turn it off, then back on. The update program will start automatically.
Select Yes, update now. When you see the new dashboard, you're done."
would this actually work ???
hopefully my mom wont return the game before the end of the week so i can try get her to use the usb she has to do this :/ but with my luck she will have returned it by the time i get home tomorrow :/
also by nearly perfect conditioned i mean came with a full colour map untouched manual an advertisemant thign for the guide book + the oder form the paper cover thing is unscathed only thing thats damdged is the ase one of teh clips is broken and theres a small hole in the bottom right corner
(i put both the manual and map in my oblivion case )
(maybe if teh usb thing works it can correct what ever is making the oblivions DLC not work