Ah, thanks for the input guys!
I also see that I didn′t put the idea very clearly.

I′ll try to clear some misundertandings through quote+reply.
Now, here's a caveat: Some quests, notably the collect me 20 varla stones type quests, do, in fact, involve leveling and improving activities. If I come back from collecting 20 varla stones and I've improved my abilities along the way, and then I get an improvement reward for completing the quest... well, I don't know exactly how to balance that.
On the contrary - IMO. My idea is that you get, say (totally fictional) 10p of skill points to your primary skills when you complete a quest. Now, if you used skill "A" more than skill "B", so you get more of THOSE points to skill "A".
This TRIES to actually repsent the skills you needed to complete the quest, but for simplicity, the values used for WEIGHTING the distribution of the skill bonuses are always compared to the values you had when you last levelled up. The overall bonus for a quest is STATIC, to make ANY quest appealling, so ANY quest brings you equally closer to levelling. Of course, at lower levels you have the luxury of easy quests (with FCOM, I don′t even know if this true), while at later levels they are all hard - but hey - you actually get more skill practice doing them as well, like you said.

This is an interesting idea, but it could have consequences for people trying to do with efficient levelling. I think it would work with Oblivion XP, btw, if I understand you correctly. With some updates I plan to make to Ob XP, it shouldn't unbalance things too much anyway. I'm only mentioning Ob XP because that's the only levelling mod I know

I used to do efficient levelling, but I've never played another levelling mod.
Oblivion XP is fully configurable so that you aren't uber powerful either. I've played about 400 hrs in my current game and am only level 32. I know a lot of Ob XP players never get above level 20. Anyway, that's just some extra info.
I think this is a good idea. It would be nice to have more rewards for stuff other than monetary or food

I like the quests where you get a skill book as a reward. My only caution is that you don't overdo it - as I said it could have consequences for people trying to control their levelling. Also, I think it's important to document the rewards so players can decide which quests they want to do.
Thanks for the extra info, and don′t get me wrong - I actually think ObXP is the levelling mod that makes THE MOST sense to me. I really cannot explain why still clutch the normal system, ehanced with traditional levelling mods. :turtle:
But as it is, I need a system to keep quests interesting. The system itself would probably be compatible with ObXP, but then again totally adding ON TOP of what ObXP does?
Quite viable, IMHO, and it would give a great deal more incentive to complete quests in the game. Here's my thoughts:
Skill ups should probably tie into the quest activities to help with the immersion factor. For example, completing the quest Unhealthy Competition would give the player his usual reward of the Weatherward Circlet and leveled gold, but would also grant him one additional rank in the skills of Sneak and Mercantile. Similarly, completing the Chorrol Recommendation quest would grant the player one point one rank in Speechcraft (not Conjuration like one would think, because you don't actually do any spellcasting in that quest), and the Skingrad Recommendation quest would grant the player a rank in Destruction. Deciding which skill(s) is most appropriate to increase and then scripting the skill to be ranked up at the end of the quest might actually be simpler than the approach you describe, but I'm not one to tell you how to mod, it's your idea, so you know what's best for it. :whistling:
Some quests (albeit very few) already give skill ups as rewards, so you don't need to tweak the Fighters Guild quest A Rat Problem, for example.
Finally, you say that the script would work its magic each time a quest gets tagged completed, but I already see a small problem there: what if the quest was tagged completed because it was failed? Would you still want to reward the player for screwing up so bad the quest is no longer possible to accomplish? Probably not, because then what's the point of actually playing the quest if you can just be rewarded for chopping the head off the snake, instead?
No no, I guess I already wrote this in this post but the "reward" is strictly computational, and general.

Not quest specific, in the way you describe, nor anything else than skill "uses". The motivation is that for example I′m personally in my game trying to get stronger, to experience the more dangerouns areas of FCOM and some quests. In this context - doing most of the Vanilla quests is waste of time. So IMO there should be SOME small reward for the activity even though you didn′t jump 100 times in place or casted 100 5% shield spells, if you know what I mean.
Integration would sometimes give skill ups if you succeeded in certain dialogue options, but that's hardly viable in the vanilla quests seeing as how most dialogue options are simple yes/no stuff.
I can't help but wonder what the bonus would be when people finally get around to delivering the amulet to Jauffre after playing for 200+ hours. I can think of four possibilities.
1: A SPAM type thing where you get small bonuses to your primary specialization skills, and teeny tiny bonuses to your secondary specialization skills, and practically nothing for the third (Combat/Stealth/Magic and maybe like 1% more to the next skill up for #1, .5% for #2, and .1% for all other skills.
2: A dialogue box at the start of every quest asking you which skills you think you're going to use in this quest (basically asking you which ones you want the bonus for when the quest completes.)... A bit unimmersive though, and it would be pretty annoying at the start of a new game the way a number of quest mods give you the quest right away.
3: Base the skill ups on the quest itself. Fetch quest= athletics, acrobatics, speechcraft. Fighters Guild quests = Fighter skills. MG= Mage skills, TG= Thief skills, etc. and for the misc quests just place the bonus depending on what the quest primarily involves.... Wouldn't work for quest mods though.
4: Base the bonus on the three skills increased the most since you received the quest. There could be some bleed over into related skills like: if you Acrobatics, hand to hand, and restoration were the ones with the highest increase then Athletics, block, alchemy, and such would also get a small bonus.
Good input, while some of the stuff I wrote in this posts holds your post made me think that it would be interesting to always give a small bonus to MINOR skills as well.
More over - maybe this WHOLE system would be for developing MINOR skills?
I know it′s artificial - but what about if quests where the key to get those minor skill up at least some?