I'm a recent new lover of Morrowind, happily plodding along with my Orcish Fighter-mage Gragnok Gra'bool. There is one main reason I haven't played as much as I'd like to, though...my PC. Not that it can't handle the game, but I just hate playing games on my computer, as opposed to lounging on my couch with one of my console systems. Good news, though, I've got the xbox morrowind GOTY, eh? The one issue--it would be going back to vanilla.
I started up my first game with a fair number of mods. Some visual, some gameplay, some balance. I've never really played much of vanilla. How much of a different experience at the end of the day is it? Are the mods, ultimately, just icing on the cake, or do a lot of the standard mods really improve the feel and flow of the game? I know this is a little vague since I don't have the mod list (and aren't at the right computer to post it...), but for the most part I installed a lot of the "classic" and standard mods. Morrowind updated, I think, MGE, GCD, better bodies/clothes/etc...I basically went down one of the recommended mods for new players list and used most.
Anyway, let me know what the vanilla experience is like. I love Morrowind, and I really like the mods, but at the end of the day I may enjoy the console experience more. Thanks.
Edit: Heh...I just noticed the "Vanilla for me" thread two threads down...