I instaled new vegas and set all to max (resolution, and all distances) and as i walking through map all the time i see as grass is loaded and faded in about 100 m. radious not only grass but many objects smaller biger ( i dont see a pattern on this couse sometimes on that 100 m radious big rocks appear on place were there was more flat rock few seconds before) . i was looking for some tweaks but it wont help. first i instaled fomm and through its graphic setting i override all distances to 45 than to 1000 and finaly to 100000 but see no diffrence in game. ( is it possible that settings are loaded in saves and the changes made after are not working ? ) next step was changing in ini ugridtoload to 11 and lines with grass and loading objects but still no difrence ( i change alll line in all ini : prefs.ini fallout.ini i fallout_default.ini to be sure cous i dont know which one is taking into acount for game- which is stupid ) . Please help me couse its realy anoying as you walk through game and every seconds new things apearing . i have very high PC spec ( i930 @4.3 and 480gtx sli so its wasting its power to play on such a low setting that i only see grass from 100m . and all other objects apear suddenly - as well as npc and foes . I go and go and in front of me there is nothing but as i come closer( they aperar about 100m) suddenly i see few radscorpions. Please tell me what exactly i have to do or if someone with hiend system is playing and have nice settings please lend me your inis