Errrr, dude... Im not asking how to get the armor im asking where the heck these rangers are? All I ever see is the rangers with the khaki armor that looks like combat armor. Im looking for the armor with the helmet that has the red eyes, the armor the guy is wearing on the cover of the game.
Dude, the armor just starts showing up on Rangers after level 14. I hadn't seen until one last night myself and I'm level 19. I went to Quarry Junction to kill some Deathclaws and when I arrived 3 Rangers were fighting with them. One had the armor on. They all got killed so it was there to loot off him. I didn't use it because my current armor offers the same protection for less weight (I just repaired my armor with it) but I did take his Brush Gun

EDIT: Oh, and the wiki says it won't show up on anyone, no matter your level, until you do at least one main quest for a faction after you get to NV and have to start making some choices.