But on to the main part of what this topic is...where the heck is that Blacksmith! Think his name is Krull the blacksmith, but I'm bad at remembering names. I've been looking for the past two hours (literally), and maybe its obvious and I just haven't found him...or he is dead by the arrow traps too, which would svck, but then I would still find his skeletal remains. I found the vault just fine, and the thrall chamber...and found where they keep victims. Plus some random caverns and what not.
I am definitely missing some tunnel or something that I miss or something, but no luck. Its probably right in front of my eyes and I just don't see it...like looking at milk in the fridge and asking "Where is the milk!?!?"

I noticed someone else in the mods comments asked about the Blacksmith, so I'm not only one ;P No one answered him though.
Thanks for any help