In one of the dev videos he says...
Its a game that will draw you in, it will give you interesting things to think about, while your doing really cool action shooter stuff.
So, while confined to the slums of forum suspension I had plenty of time to play BRINK and screw around and figure things out and experiment.
Don't be afraid to give away your secrets or tips start posting...
Object Placement
The Good: The way you place your turrets, mines, and detpacks in the world is quite fun.
The Bad: Certain areas on maps that appear to be sufficient for you to place your turrets on, won't actually let you! However!
Here is a neat tip to bare in mind when planting your turrets and other objects, I have been able to place turrets in spots that appear to be impossible due to insufficient space on the ledge, good thing you can trick the game into letting it get placed

It's all about getting the red object to fall off a ledge before planting and slowly strafing into place and turning around until you see the (X).
It is actually really easy once you get it the first time, but don't be afraid to spend a bit of time finding locations, I wish I could screenshot the locations for you guys, but if anyone else can learn how to do this trick and take some snap shots post them here for people to see.
The Ugly Truth: Despite the few locations that allow this sort of placement, some places appear to be sufficient space, yet the engine no matter how much u try to trick it, wont place the object, so best to experiment and find flat locations (Thanks OptiMAT).
Wall Hops
The Good: Wall hopping is great for avoiding enemy fire and moving throughout the map almost 3 times faster, not just navigating alternate paths previously un-accessible by other body types.
You can link your wall hops endlessly so long as you continue to have height, momentum and enough walls to hop between.
(notice I say link and not chain, chaining doesn't require timing, where as linking does)
Because of the speed boost caused by wall hopping, you can use this to perform a small "Bunny Hop" by tapping "Jump" as you land on your feet, you can also increase the distance of your slide off a wall hop, only draw back being you lose your momentum as you exit your slide.
The Bad: Wall hopping while having many pros, also has its cons, unfortunately it is very difficult to control "Air Strafing" after performing a wall hop.
The Ugly Truth: While the wall hop is a cool feature and feels very stylish when you perform the move, it looks very rigid to other players and doesn't give much of a "wow" factor. Another strange looking accurance in certain areas of the map, you can actually suspend yourself mid air against a wall almost indefinitely, and the model animation appears to repeat its animation sequence.
The Good: The slide allows some really good dodging an initiates rather easily.
Offensively while carrying a pistol you can perform a single slide and melee attack at the same time for extra damage causing what appears to be an instant kill on some body types (using knife, buttstock may not have same effect, forgot to try it as rarely use more than a pistol, also not knowing what the bots actual health scale is, they may all be low level).
Sliding out of cover is probably the best way this move can be utilized safely.
Before sliding a little jump can help to give the feeling of better momentum or speed, and having that feeling that your going faster actually makes me play better, sorta like weapon switching in Counter Strike, but to be honest its all psychological (cant spell).
Breaking your fall with the slide when jumping of large ledges, also gives a bit of a speed boost.
The Bad: While slide feels really nice and smooth, your really a sitting duck at times. Not being able to slide outside of using a forward motion, really limits the value of your slide as a defensive move, the valuable seconds needed to gain enough momentum for the slide to initiate can cost you your life more often than not.
As mentioned previously in the wall hop section, the slide decelerates momentum losing your top speed, making it extremely risky in some situations.
Because of the way the slide functions you don't maintain control of your directional movements making you an easy target.
The Ugly Truth: Like the wall hop, the slide looks sequenced and repeats continually while the slide is happening.
With the 360 turn while sliding your character doesn't actually visually show where you are looking, it remains looking forward, and kind of makes the animation seem canned or like a mine cart.
This can be good and bad at the same time, Good thing is you can spot enemies during a slide and appear to have not noticed them, Bad thing is because you lose control of your directions (as mentioned previously) you become very static and an easy target.
You can also slide up a set of stairs, which looks... strange...
I also know a fast leveling trick... but because it is kinda lame I'm not sure if you guys would be happy me spilling the beans on it... but yeah.. "Interesting things to think about"