Frankly I'm not positive about the friendly A.I., so I think it'd be a nice feature to directly control the behavior of your teammates. I want to set how many NPC should play a certain class and how many NPC should go for a certain objective. If you focus on a teammate, then you can assign them to a specific class and objective. For example: I want 2 soldiers, 3 medics, 1 engineer, 1 agent in my team, not including myself, so I'm free to choose. I want 1 to fulfill the main objective (that's of course a NPC with the needed class), 4 to protect the main objective respectively the character going for the main objective (that should be done by at least 2 medics), 1 to capture/defend the command post, 1 to follow and protect me (medic a must!) , again not including myself. Focusing on a certain friendly NPC in game allows you to give them specific order (doing so will change the original set.) I think a command wheel like the objective wheel would be a nice tool. Being a sort of squad leader should make the game more tactical. would be interesting to have this possibility for MP, too. if they follow your commands, they gain more XP.