» Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm
Yeah. Like Pluto mentioned, I think i probably played it for 15 minutes at most. I'm just looking for mods to use, and I love landmass mods. The more areas to explore the better. I'm currently using Ald Vendras and Sea Of Destiny. They're both a bit empty and not much detail going on, but some of the areas are nice to explore and theres the occasional cool castle, village, cave, etc. One thing I noticed about Morrowind is there seems to be a shortage of random encounters. Anyone have any lists of mods they're using or have used that are compatible? I'm more prone to using a fighting-oriented character. Any visual enhancers are a plus too. I've used Darker Morrowind. It is dark, but it changes the entire look of the game and does it make it more gloomy.