I can not find ED-E, world map says hes in vault 22 (where he got blown up lighting the gas and went missing) and I still got his perks, yet I can't find him anywhere. Any Ideas how to get him back?
and on quest I put a spell on you, I am ment to spy and listen to Curtis talking in the tower, but he just stands there doing nothing, tried reloading it 10 times with same result

I'm not sure what you mean by 'reloading' as in reloading your saves or doing it through the console comamnd. But like I've told someone earlier with NPC companion problems, just reload them through the console. Works like a charm and Ed-D is back to his make-a-bunch-of-noise-and-shoot-at-anything-that-walks self. Don't know if you upgraded your Ed-E yet or which one you choose, so take your pick:
001732d1 (normal)
001732d0 (follower weapon upgrade)
001732cf (brotherhood armor upgrade)
When you choose one (and only one) go ahead with the rest, type (I used the normal Ed-E reference number for the example):
prid 001732d1
Should help you out.