The only cutscenes the game should have are in the intro and maybe on completion of the main quest, however obviously the game should not actually end at this point.Other than those two points I see no reason to have cutscenes.
Give me an intro, give me a big finish to the main quest, and otherwise GOMF. (
Face) I'm playing a game, and don't want to feel like I'm stuck in some of Bioware's more annoying moments. Nothing galled me like Neverwinter Nights, where every bloody "big moment" meant that you entered some area tensed up for the big confrontation, and- whoops, controls inactive, let's watch the movie play out again! No deciding when the fight starts for you, you've got to listen to the Stock Villain #23's Stock Monologue #23 first! :sick:
Or nice grainy pre-rendered video, at some ridiculously low resolution to provide a nice jarring moment. Someone somewhere might actually be playing at 1024x768, and they need to see all the videos too!:facepalm:
Just say no to cutscenes! (Brought to you by C.A.R.E.- Cutscene Abuse Resistance Education- Dare to keep kids off cutscenes!)