But now, I have a fear.
It has nothing to do with my beloved gamesas. Over the last month, two major releases - sequels to amazing games developed primarily for the PC - have left me feeling betrayed and heartbroken after the dev's screwed over PC users in favor of console kiddies. (DA2 and Crysis2 - both garbage compared to the previous installments)
Now I've lost my idealistic core. I'm jaded. Wary of the things I one looked forwards to the way a child looks forward to Christmas.
I know I should have more faith. Those sixy folks from Maryland have never let me down. I've only been disappointed in my computer, which I'm sure will require yet another upgrade come November 11.
But that's how I felt about BioWare.
Please Bethesda. PLEASE don't screw us PC folk over in favor of crappy consoles.
Oblivion and Fallout had perfect interfaces. The interface needs no changes in favor of controllers. That will only make the PC experience svck.
I know (hope) I'm worrying about nothing. Ya'll have never done me wrong before. But I've been hurt, and badly, of late and I'm scared.
P.S. It looks so beautiful!