Nehrim? Or was that out before then? The days just blend into one long mush for me...
Ah! I can do a bit of self promotion (I have no shame

), because I just remembered that I released Cava Obscura and Enhanced Seasons recently (links in sig)! Silly me, forgetting about my own mods...
nGCD v2.0 was recent too, and The Forgotten Realm (quest mod), and I think there was a new UL, and Return Of Shadows (another quest mod), and Immersive Interiors. I think that's all I can remember. Oh, and the TES Alliance Halloween mod.
I knew about Nehrim, but I'm not interested in total converions (or am I confusing with something else?).
A new nGCD is always a good thing (added :user: ).
You forgot to mention that there is an All Natural update (if it came before July, I missed it

I don't mind if you are self promoting yourself as long as you do good mods. You have one more download at Enhanced Seasons. :thumbsup:
The Forgotten Realm looks promising, but it conflicts with Phitt's Mudwater. I can give both a try in two differents games I think. And i like the look of Return of Shadows.
Shame I finished so few quest mods

(I have yet to try HOD, TOTF and GTA)
Maybe it is because of my continuous search for new mods xD
Now a question about Immersive Interiors: Does this create weirdness in conjunction with Open Cities Reborn? (Like seeing the Vanilla exteriors when indoors)
Keep up the amazing work with your mods, wrinklyninja :foodndrink:
Thanks for all the mods. Keep replying guys

It's only And starting with the most downloaded ones you'll probably see everything that people are going to recommended in this topic in the first 10-20 pages or so.
Advanced search :facepalm:
thanks xD