And if someone could take over it for a little while, that would be even better. I'm starting to get... ehhh... "Modders Fatigue"
Unfortunately I don't have nearly enough time for this, so I can only say: Take your time. Best medicine against modder fatigue is to not overstress yourself.
Off topic, but other than bg2408 and you... am I the only one who gets the Kara joke?
This alternative romance was never really announced in public :blink:.
Plus Tesh isn't exactly the possessive type I don't think.))
As long as the soul/spirit belongs to her...
The whole game is pretty negative towards Daedra and those that work with Daedra, I mean just look at the "good" Daedra shrine quests... Most of them involve a horrible fate befalling Daedra worshipers.
*OFF TOPIC RAMBLE*The problem is, there are no good or bad Daedra.
Some people think that "Daedric Prince" refers to some kind of monarchy, with queens, kings and princes. However that is not the source of that word, it's principalities. In essence Daedric Princes are principles, ideas. That's why they're immortal - you can't fight ideas with arrows. (Aedra anchored parts of them in the world, therefore their sphere is not bound to them anymore - that's why they can die.)
There are some more and some less destructive ones. Azura is less destructive than Mehrunes Dagon, but that doesn't make her good. Best example would be Akatosh and Mehrunes Dagon. Both are other expressions of some very destructive ideas - the fight between Mehrunes Dagon and Akatosh at the end of Oblivion is somewhat of a multiple personality disorder fighting against himself (something like the Fight Club ending), because
both are destruction (Akatosh much more so than Mehrunes). However look what reputation Akatosh has. Mehrunes Dagon is somewhat of a firefighter trying to create a fire break just where creation is. Akatosh
is the fire. (That's why Kara and Tess always use his other name,
I think Oblivion didn't do the Daedra justice. Look at Battlespire, Morrowind, or even Shivering Isles. In Oblivion they had to play the roles of generic bad guys. Didn't work out.
And lesser Daedra aren't fleshed out, either. Look at Battlespire: In the end Mehrunes Dagon was defeated by two (err, three) persons, the mortal hero of the game and his ally, the lesser Daedroth Jaciel Morgan, first among Nocturnal's servants. The stuff in Tesh's backstory? It isn't all made up

. (And his other ally, Imago Storm, a Dremora lord
still loyal to Mehrunes Dagon.)
(Which happens to be a kind of plot explanation point in Integration, really. In Battlespire Mehrunes prefered typical Xivilai strategy, so the Dremora rebelled. In Oblivion Mehrunes acts more along the Dremora ways, so you've got Xivilais saying "forget it!" all over the place - Lesh, Firu, Quurunae, etc.)
//edit: Hrmpf. Now I think I spoiled something that I hadn't intended to. I wonder if someone figured that out before

3: When you actually visit the "paradise" it's just a giant torture chamber that everyone except for Camaron and the Daedra hate.
Actually, it's not.
Paradise is a class room. The mortals there have developed daedric qualities,
immortality - but they won't stay immortal until they understand that they
are immortal. "Walk like them, until they must walk like you" is something the Mythic Dawnies there haven't mastered yet, therefore it is shown to them that they are immortal. Through their death and rebirth. Until they understand. If they leave Paradise (to which they're currently bound) before they understand, they're bound to Mundus gain - and so their souls would go to the Dreamsleeve.
people starting to chant "Daedra are awesome!", and selling Daedra action figures everywhere you go, but just a little less 1 sided black and white crap would be nice.
Hm... now that's an idea!
Sorry for the lore ramble.