ok like i said in my other thread its my dream to work for Bethseda im going to go to college for game designing and i decided this ever since i played morrowind on X BOX im 16 now and i havent changed my thoughts about my career except i added 1 because i know i might not be able2 be a game designer dreams dont always come true, its actually pretty rare..but ya if i could work for blizzard getting lets say 50,000$ a year but Bethseda would let me work for them for 15,000$ a year, i would totally work for Bethseda JUST because how amazing i find the Elder Scrolls well actually i started with the Ocarina of Time (Zelda)

I want to help a pretty experienced "modder"(i dont know what to call it lol) make a mod for morrowind, ill give you the ideas and help with the modding and stuff i just need like someone to help me ya the youtube videos help alot but i dont know i got everything down i guess i just cant really do it alone 1. i dont think i can because im always high (my high is almost the same as me being sober, i got used to it.) 2. i dont have time & 3. just my mind wouldnt be as good as a few minds which is a fact and always will be for everyone and everything, if you wanna help but you judge me for what i do, try to look past it im a normal person im no better than you and your no better than me, were just better at different things which is just fine with me
im mostly interested in making a new race, a new town and a new guild to be in the new town and spread out across morrowind, than later i want to make more towns and add more quests to my guild, if your interested PM me or reply to this thread, if your just going to talk trash i really dont care just dont do it on this thread send me a message or something no one likes a hater, not even rappers