-Incendiary ammunition: The soldier hangs out 1 magazine full of incendiary ammunition. This type of ammunition is able to create splash damage for each bullet equal to 15%(just a rough percentage) of the damage done. This 15% does not add on to the damage done to the individual hit by the bullet but rather to those around the impact. NOTE: this is generally more effective for guns which have more bullets
-Slime grenade: On impact releases a very slippery slime on the ground. Enemies who step over this slime have a high chance of being knocked-down. EDIT: Only sprinting enemies will be subject to this effect
-Grenade turret: Must buy light,medium Turret before. Shoot grenades which cause splash damage on impact. (Basically EZ-Nade Launcher turret) EDIT: Removed Gatling turret req.
-S.M.A.R.T. Boost: Allows brief time period (20-30 seconds?) were the buffed target may have access to more SMART moves. (Heavy->Medium. Medium->Light). As for Light body types administered with this buff SMART movement is cut in half eg. Climbing up a tall wall is much faster than before.