Hiya, I'm trying to put a new texture on the a_netch_m_cuirass2.nif mesh. Thing is, I want the chest and back to each have a different texture... but, the way the UV map is set up now, the model uses only one texture that wraps (sorta) around the chest and back. I just learned how to copy and paste branches in nif skope... so, um, needless to say, I think even something as seemingly simple as splitting up the UV map like I described is still far beyond my current skill set. Would anyone be willing to edit the cuirass? :unsure: If you need a reference for what the heck I'm trying to describe: I want the texture split up like how it is on the Ebony Mail cuirass. I know you can also do something in Blender to auto-fit the UV map to a texture - fitting it to the bonemold cuirass front and back would be awesome and save my fingers from some cramping in Nifskope.
I'm trying to make it a regular bonemold cuirass - like the one PetiBoy made, but I want this one to use all vanilla textures.
Oh! And if it isn't too much trouble, there's this little disc-thing on the chest piece of the cuirass. It looks cool on the Netch texture and all, but it doesn't really fit in with the bonemold theme, and I can't delete it without deleting the rest of the cuirass.
EDIT2: Thanks Westly! Here's the disc-less mesh: http://www.mediafire.com/?nt2t2dlynyt
EDIT3: Thanks, Psymoniser, for the cuirass!