So I'm still trying to eat away from the list but given I've never used them, but like the look of them, its proving difficult. This isn't a loading order so that doesn't have to be worried about, but this IS a list of all the mods I still have lined up (with the exclusion of apps like Wyre Bash and the assorted Unique Landscapes Mods).
If anyone could tell me if any of these are just outright BAD, don't cooperate with the rest, or have problems that might spoil them, I'd love as much feedback as I can get. Just take a look and see if there's anything you hate~

Francesco's Leveled Creatures/Items modModular Oblivion EnhancedHeart of the Dead - questlineMyths and Legends 2Shadowcrest Vineyard COBLVampire Resort and Tunnel SystemCastle HighrockSupreme Magicka (Update) beaming sunglareThe Talon of AkatoshGuild Item OwnershipRobes of the SeraphimHaunted House Detailed TerrainTown Ceremonial ArmorBravil sea domes Caius CosadesAyleid FiringaMilkshake's Guard ModPrincess Sheogorath PalaceWizard's VengeanceArmageddon Mannimarco Resurrection: Light and DarkThe Nazarian LibraryThe Old Crow Inn Alluring Potion and wine Bottles for OOOArrows of the Ayleid KingBanes Guilds UnitedHappyhannah's Time WastingA Provost of the Nine DivinesKafei's Better Amulet ReplacerBank of CyrodiilMC's Staff Pack Elven Map ReduxBattle for Morrowind Castle KnightstoneNic-V's Better Beggars (NBB)Shrine of SithisBlades Ceremonial ArmourDarNified UI Extra Robe PackMultitude of Magecraft AEVWD or MTAEVWDSilent Stones Camp and CaveThe Ayleid StepsDrokks Vampire ModUnderground City Tears of the Fiend Risky Inn BedsAylied Baths Real LavaGrimbots DLC Book jacketsBook Jackets oblivionCity Stealth Exits Q More and Moldy IngrediantsWoodland RangersDress Ranking Guards No Psychic GuardsPersonality Idles Harvest ContainersVermillion and Silverthorn RobesCyrodiil Transport NetworkThe Brandy Maker questFirst Person Sitting PerspectiveArtifacts of Tamriel 300Doom Stones ExpandedWindfall Open CitiesKraganir's Death Quest v2 Verna House Bloodlines Custom Spell IconsThe Dungeons of Ivellon The blackwood company Dungeon Actors Have TorchesDragon CastleHorse Armor RevampedBandit HideoutsGet WetHouse Map Markers ModGive Mehrunes' Razor to MartinMoriarcis; City of the dead Shadowy HoodsBomret's Texture Pack - Shivering IslesConfession BoothCurse of Hircine Mithril and Orcish Weapon SetsReznod Mannequins Mod Companion Share and Recruit Oblivion Stutter RemovalOperation Optimisation Ship Wrecks Enhanced Magical Visual Effects Multiple Creature SummoningRealistic Ragdolls and Force Breaking in in the Arcane University Bartholm Damarask Harvest Flora The Full Gray FoxMap Loop and Oblivion Logo replacement video Map Marker OverhaulIllumination WithinNatural EnvironmentsThe Count's GiftLeveled Dremora ArmorsVersus Dark Brotherhood The Duke of Cheydinhal; Ring of VampirismLegendary Master Portable CampsiteStealth OverhaulPJ's Spell CompendiumBook PlacementBT Mod Bananasplit better cities The Lost spiresLost Paladins of the Divines Quest Award LevellingLoading Screens Themed Replacer (+SI)Castle AlmgardUltimate Music Pack Player Fishing ModImperial City Temple CleanSpell Delete Qarls texture pack III Better Letters Rusty ItemsBenirus Manor; necromancers lair Gaenor in Dementia v2Dremora MortalSlof's Dremora TexturesThievery in the Imperial CityLet the people drink! Inebriation AliveWatersJQ - Assasin Quest MercenariesNatural History MuseumImproved Water for Oblivion and SICats and RatsRemove Enchantment RestrictionsMart(igen?) Monster ModKvatch RebuiltRuined Tail's TaleMannimarco RevisitedServant of the DawnBruma Mages Guild RestoredSkooma AddictionTamriel TravellersKafei's Better Ring ReplacerEnchantment Restore over time Madgod Powers Mountain Tower At Home AlchemyClocks of CyrodiilRedBag ; friendly animals Decorator Assistant ArmamentariumSpiffy Loading BarThe Hall of Blissful Dreams and COBLRide Wild Horses 2.0Vim and Vigor Advanced COBL HGEC Robert's Male Improved Facial TexturesImproved Argonian Facial Textures Django's Unique Features Ungarion's Memoirs Lootable SI armour Loot Palace Guards ArmorDude, Where's my horse FINALOscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (OOO)Bob's Armory; Oblivion FCOM; Convergence Oblivion Wine OverhaulVagabond's Better GoldSeph's True Acrobatics Druid Tree HomeLock Bash 99% compatible - can break locksVaults of Cyrodill Consequences of Evil drop lit torchesAll Capes, Cloaks, Clothes, Gloves and Robes New Umbra ArmorDelaric's New Sheoth Homes (Bliss and Crucible)Reneers Gold Mod Vampire Aesthetics Soulgems v1.3 & 1.4Furniture RepricedMillstone Farm and Millstone COBLRegrowing NinrootArena Enhanced Midas Magic Spells of AurumJpm's Miniature NecromancyA brotherhood renewedWeather - All NaturalAlchemy Advanced Arcane University 300Black Horse Courier Expanded Hypothermia II Near Miss Magic And Arrows Alert Target Rev 5Deadly Reflex 6 Storms and SoundsGlittering PrizesSoTs The Order of Nibenay Blood textures for deadly reflexGorier Blood moDems City Life v22 Coms Torch CompendiumCrowded Roads Advanced Chapel Tithe Enchanting Skill X2 CLS Sailboats Clothing Matters CLS Alchemy Tools Hotkey Casting UpdatedQQuix Rock rock rock your shipStarX Vampire Deaths Improved Who Am I Silent Stones Camp Glenvar Crystal Ball ScryingAyleid Loot EXtendedBrew HouseAFK_Weye PJ's Lightning Strikes During Storms Ayleid Weapon EnchantmentsLootable Lich HelmsAncient Ruins Ayleid EditionLost Sword of the Ayleid Arcane Velocity Ambient Town Sounds EditedThe Oubliette See You SleepElsweyr the Deserts of AnequinaAncient Goblin CityTemple of ZealotsReduced backwards running speedOblivion Collectible CardsAbandoned Mountain ShackFrostcrag RebornOblivion XP UpdateAlchemists Cave COBLENBseries ScreenEffects Robes OverOblivion Symphonic Variations Music SuiteEcho_ChapelChant Put It In Its Place Lightning Speed More Immersive SoundsRealistic FatigueRealistic HealthSM Regional BountyRandom TasksLight Spell RecolorKeychain (+SI addon)Immersive InteriorsSolace RevisitedHel Bornes Argonian and Orc ZombiesSaddle Bags V3Reapers The Dark TowerDragon Captions Villages ZuTheSkunk's Shivering Isles OverhaulBorderless CyrodiilEnhanced Mercantile Leveling Enhanced Daedric InvasionEly's Invest MoreBirthsigns Expanded Fiery FistsJump Adjustment Candles for KleptosBow Sway Arena Alive Cure Disease OverhaulFeldscar Vergayun Faregyl MolapiReneer's Guard Overhaul