I think I discovered the cause of X'tyfe's problem.
In my game every time I activate a contained I get this in the console:
Error in script bb019aadAttempting to call a function on a NULL reference or base object File: DBWGP.esp Offset: 0x001A Command: Let
That's the first Let in aaaDBWGPSwapContCoinsScript
I've traced the call in aaaDBWGPScript and it appears that GetCrosshairRef always returns 0 so SwappedCoinsCont is never set and the weighted gold is never reverted to vanilla gold in the containers.
I don't know enough about Oblivion modding to fix this though. A workaround for the players is to get all the gold from any container you open and before uninstalling DBWGP deposit all your gold in a bank.