Since the patch I keep having gameplay issues. Sometimes my character takes a lot longer to leave vats mode than he should, at times the enemies were able to have there way with me while I got no response but slow motion death and pretty cinematics. Sometimes when he leaves vats, there is a period of "vats-like" ,slo-mo walking that usually doesn't last very long. I'm still having major problems with weapons freezing when reloading, and zooming. I've been using cowboy repeater and .357 revolver alot, I play in 3rd person, as well as 1st. I've even had the .357 appear to be disassembled when I zoomed with it. The reloading bug happened pre-patch, but I'm pretty sure the vats stuff is all post patch.
Windows Vista Home
AMD 64x2
6gb ram
32bit op system
Nvidia 9800 GTX
I have the 260.99 Nvidia patch