More or less, tnu-- there's a LOT of "Experience" stuff I want to add, to integrate it into the world, however.
This is bizzare... There's really no reason you should not be able to cast whilst sneaking-- as Xrd says, this doesn't touch sneaking except for checking if you are... Are y'all sure you're not starving? That would probably have a similar effect, if you didn't have enough Magicka... If I can't solve this, then that is a MAJOR problem...
This is bizzare... There's really no reason you should not be able to cast whilst sneaking-- as Xrd says, this doesn't touch sneaking except for checking if you are... Are y'all sure you're not starving? That would probably have a similar effect, if you didn't have enough Magicka... If I can't solve this, then that is a MAJOR problem...

Don't know if my character is starving for blood, though I do have a lot of blood being burned quickly for some odd reason. If I stand still, it's like 1 per second, but if I move, it can be much faster. Like, 3-5 per second.
Though I have been really low before(like, 200 points out of 3600), and I had to drain someone to get back up.
Though I have seemingly countless magicka reserves(took the ritual doomstone blessing with LAME, fortify magicka multiplier 15 I think), I can't cast anything while sneaking. Well, for about three seconds when loading the game I can, but once TVE is loaded, I can't. Maybe it didn't reset my hunger when I drained the guy, or maybe my drinking of blood vials is not working to help me.
Either way, I'll check a few things quickly. Like how high my sneak is(50 last I checked), my lore count/vampire level(it'd help to know if I'm getting close to a new level of vampirisim). In fact, I'll get rid of these tomes of lore and get some new ones(kinda strange that they don't burn out when you read them), just in case.
EDIT: Strange, I'm almost full on my blood count, but I'm suffering from what seems to be blood withdrawal. I have a couple stat drains active: Drain agi 10, will 10 and str 10.
I have a hunch on what I could do to fix it, but I doubt it's a great idea. I'm going to burn out my blood reserve and then get it back up. Just might solve this.