To sum it up real quick.
1) Go to any casino you feel you win more at, I seem to be pretty lucky at The Tops Casino.
2) Get 200 chips
3) Choose your game I recommend Black Jack or playing the slots.
4) Save your game.
5) Start the game and max bet.
6) Try to win. Duh
7-1) If you WIN then back out of the game, and SAVE.
7-2) If you LOSE then back out and reLOAD your previous save.
8) Repeat
It makes it so you will never lose chips only gain, I know its simple and I just didn't know if it might help. Something I figured out early on and have used it when I'm low on caps or want to buy something. It's a good way to make chips without game cache erasing or worry of patching.
Note: Slots can win you pretty big if you stick with it, I lost twice third time I WON about 1800 chips.
Hope it helped someone who isn't looking at risking data or there rep.