First hear me out. It all started when I attempted to upgrade Deadly Reflex 5 to 6. I had DR5 installed manually, but attempted to install DR6 using an omod file. I disabled all DR5 files and then turned on the omod in Mod Manager. Doing this caused problems immediately in my game, because my Bashed Patch... well, I forgot to update it. I attempted to update my Bashed Patch and reorder things and then I got it to somewhat work, but I realized that Version 6 didn't work as well for me as version 5, so I decided to try to downgrade it again to where it was comfortable for me.
After attempting to downgrade, more disaster strikes. I forgot to disable the original omod of Version 6 when I copied over the old files for V5. I disabled all the ESPs manually though, in Wrye Bash, and had HorseCombatMaster set on v5. Everything was working fine until I exited the game and attempted to get back in... after that... I realized that the left-over omod of v6 that I had forgotten to actually disable... had enabled HorseCombatMaster for v6 while the other files were operating for v5.
I... cant really explain everything that happened here because most of this is totally going over my head at this point, but after frantically reordering, rebuilding Bashed Patch, adding/removing things and making SURE all the files I have left are v5 files... my game always, always crashes as soon as I load a savegame. Any savegame. Or if I start a new game.
Starting a new game, the messages cycle through other mods I have active until it gets to Deadly Reflex functions. As soon as Deadly Reflex functions begin to turn on for the game it immediately crashes.
To make matters worse, even with all the Deadly Reflex mods DEACTIVATED (making sure they are deactivated in both Wrye Bash AND Mod Manager), the game still crashes upon load and I can't start a new game. So I guess the root of my issue here is that my mistakes, oversights, and illiteracy when it comes to handling Wrye Bash and Mod Manager simultaniously has caused irreversable issues.
There is something crazy going on here and I am afraid the only solution might be to reinstall Oblivion and all my mods... but that would cause for re-doing literally years worth of mod collecting and... I really don't want to resort to that. If anyone happens to miraculously have a solution to this ridiculous situation I got myself in I'd really appreciate it.
I'd post a load order but... it wouldn't' help at all, considering Deadly Reflex is my problem and I currently have it deactivated, but even if I didn't it wouldn't matter one way or another.