The only drugs I know of in Tamriel are tobacco and moon sugar, and by an offshoot of the latter, skooma. I'm sure there has to be more. Do they have, say, marijuana (or some equivalent), hallucinogenic mushrooms, some kinda of snorted drug like cocaine? Any other totally unique drugs that I've overlooked? As someone who's in the business of roleplaying a couple of drug-addicted characters, I need to know this stuff.

As for alcohol, I know each region has its wines, whiskeys, ales and spirits and I'm curious what all they are. I don't know much beyond what Morrowind and Oblivion had. Again, I have a character that drinks a lot, so for her, and for my own curiosity, it'd be nice to know.
Also, sorry about posting two threads so close together. I thought of something and needed to ask about it. ><