Item's disappearing

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:51 pm

I recently got my armorer skill passed 75 so I can repair armor/weapons up to 125% on my newest character, and I have run into a glitch I've never encountered before. I stock pile as much stuff as I can [love to have multiple complete sets of armor] so I have quite a collection stored. I took all my light armor and heavy armor out of their chests and repaired them to 125.
Then, instead of showing up in my inventory as for instance "Elven Cuirass x5" It has 5 separate Elven Cuirass'. Now, this has happened before and the quick fix is to drop them all and pick them up again restoring them to naturally "Elven Cuirass x5" This is where things get strange, when I go to put said armor back into their respective chests they disappear. Not in my inventory or the chest I put them in.

What in Oblivion could be going on here?

Notes: I'm playing on X-box 360 so, no console commanding my way out of this, The items are being stored inside the Rosethorn hall top floor cupboards. And I have not used the scroll glitch to amass my collection, I got it all the old fashioned way of bashing skulls.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 am

Repairing items past 100% causes them to not appear in the inventory list. Clicking "take all" is the only way to get them back out. It's just a known (and irritating) glitch.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:38 pm

:swear: That is ridiculous and infuriating. I guess I'll just have to not put my armor/weapons in containers anymore... Because that will drive me insane. [being a little ocd about collecting full sets] Strange that I've never noticed this glitch before.
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Lily Something
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:47 pm

All you have to do is make sure that the items are at 100% instead of 125% when you store them.

A simple trick to do that-- take all the items that you want to put in containers and go to one of the weapon shops. All you have to have is one item that's at less than 100%, then have the shop owner repair your gear and choose "Repair All." S/he will only charge you for repairing the one item, but when s/he's done, ALL of your equipment in your inventory will be at 100%. Then go ahead and store anything you want and "repair" the gear you're going to actually use back to 125%.

If you don't have an item that's at less than 100%, the easiest thing to do is to buy a cheap bow, then shoot it at a target in the shop. Usually only a single shot will be enough to damage it. Then you can use it to get access to repairs and pick "Repair All," then sell it back.

That's also an easy way to train armorer once you get to Expert, since you can keep doing that over and over, just so long as you get one item below 100% and pick "Repair All."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:37 pm

Hmm, Thank you very much. I will try this.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:22 am

Just fyi, I have also been able to get items to reappear by saving and reloading. Basically, I wind up seeing two lists of inventory items for an overloaded container with each save and reload. Awkward and annoying, but not that major.
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