I think I need the correct code for bash_default.ini

Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:34 pm

I've been having a lot of trouble getting Wyre Bash to recognize archives placed into the Bash Installers folder. Specifically, I'm trying to install the All Natural mod, which instructs me to place the archive in the Bash Installers folder.

After I started using Wyre Bash to create a bashed patch, I later realized I should have made a copy of the bash_default.ini, renamed it to bash.ini and inserted the correct file paths for various folders and programs, such as the OblivionMods folder.

I created the new bash.ini file in the Mopy folder and inserted the line with the path for the Oblivion Mods folder, but I'm concerned that somehow because I first ran Wrye Bash without the correct bash.ini, the default code was deleted from the bash_default.ini. There were no other sample default lines of code for file paths for anything other than the "Oblivion Mods" folder and the sample setting for the Tes4Gecko file.

this is the only text included:
;--This is the generic version of Bash.ini. If you want to set values here,
; then copy this to "bash.ini" and edit as desired.

;--sOblivionMods is the Alternate root directory for installers, etc. You can
; use absolute path (c:\Games\Oblivion Mods) or relative path, where path
; is relative to Oblivion install directory. It is strongly recommended that
; you do NOT put it anywhere under the Oblivion install directory itself,
; since (due to a bug), Oblivion.exe will at times search through every directory
; under the install directory. This "directory thrashing" can then cause performance
; problems during gameplay. sOblivionMods is defined specifically to circumvent
; this bug by storing files elsewhere.
sOblivionMods=..\Oblivion Mods
;--sTes4GeckoJavaArg is the memory size argument used for launching Tes4Gecko if it's
; present. (Note the Tes4Gecko.jar file must be in the Oblivion install directory.

I added the following line of code at the top (do I delete the rest of the text as well?), and still, Wrye Bash does not recognize any archives placed in the Bash Installers folder

sOblivionMods=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion Mods\

Are these the only two lines that should be included on the bash.ini file? If there are more, can someone let me know what else needs to be included?

After creating the bash.ini file with only these lines of code, Wrye Bash will not load. The only way to load it again is by deleting or renaming the bash.ini file to something else.

EDIT: I downloaded the TES4Gecko archive from http://www.fileplanet.com/hosteddl.aspx?/planetelderscrolls/fms/files/oblivionutilities/16/TES4Gecko_145.rar and copied TES4Gecko.jar and TES4Gecko-silence.mp3 to the Oblivion install directory, but no luck. Wrye Bash will not load unless I delete or rename the bash.ini file.

EDIT: I also tried changing the STes4GeckoJavaArg line to the following, still no success:
sTes4GeckoJavaArg=-Xmx1024m -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\"
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