Bump! Please guys!

I'm still lookin'

Maybe this one? Can anyone explain this to me in English? I'm downloading it to WinRAR right now
Open the EshmesBodiesV3.7z file you downloaded.
-You can use WinRAR if you dont have one yet, you can download a trial version at http://www.rarlab.com/
-Youll find a "data" folder and a "nvdefiles" folder, and this readme.txt, EshmeArchiveinvalidation.txt.
Copy the files (data) from inside the "Data" folder into your \Oblivion\Data\ folder on your harddrive ,while all subdirectories must remain.
-When asked to overwrite ,agree to it.
-It will overwrite any other mod which changes the same this mod does. Also subdirectories may be overwritten just by existance. Its most likely the skin textures you will overwrite.
-Overwrite to make sure the bodies fit the textures.
-If you are unsure, make backups.
If you dont want underwear to permanently be there, copy the file (data) from "nvdefiles" into your \Oblivion\ folder on your Harddrive as well and it will change the underwear invisible. Special Clothes can still be all revealing thou without those files.
Copy and Paste all contents of the EshmeArchiveInvalidation.txt into a file located at \Oblivion\ArchiveInvalidation.txt (where the Oblivion.exe sits)
-When the \Oblivion\ArchiveInvalidation.txt doesnt yet exist and this is the first mod you use ,you need to create one.
-Just append my contents to your old one if this file existed.
-Make sure theres a linebreak after any fileentry, when you append.
-If you updated from a previous version of mine just append the changes, but no danger if you add doubles i believe.
Run Oblivion, and before you start the game choose the second option (Game Files, language dependant), and check "EshmesBodiesV2.esp" to activate the plugin.
If you updated from a previous Version, make sure the "EshmesBodiesV2.esp" is still checked after installation, so the Mod wont restart and you'd have to buy everything again. There's not a "V3" one in case u wonder =)
Now you can start Oblivion, enjoy!