ScriptName HVBunkerOuterDoorSCRIPTBEGIN OnActivate; Note: This action ref check prevents companions from transitioning through the door, even though in theory it shouldn't.; As there is no evident explanation of why it was added in the first place, I am removing it. - EPF 7/21/10; if (IsActionRef player); Phalanx / above = fixed, bro , see below ;); you need the player actionref check or, this code will run at unexplainable times which could be nasty for Veronica. if isactionref player ; if Veronica is in exile if(VNPCFollowers.bVeronicaHired && VeronicaREF.Waiting == 0 && VMS49.nFinalState == 2 && VMS49.HVExitPaladinsComplete) ; if she's far or unavailable to talk, just force the wait. if (Player.GetDistance VeronicaREF > 512 || Player.IsInCombat || Player.IsTalking || VeronicaREF.IsInCombat || VeronicaREF.IsTalking) set VNPCFollowers.fFollowerWaitingLeaveDay to (GameDaysPassed + FollowerWaitTime) Set VeronicaREF.Waiting to 1; VeronicaREF.evp Activate; else VeronicaREF.StartConversation player VDialogueVeronicaHVEntranceEstranged; endif else Activate; endif else ACTIVATE ;<--------------------------------------------------------------------------- this is what you forgot endif ; endifEND
I'm going to do something a little different than this in my Phalanx mod but, this is a form which would work properly for you.
btw, if I remember right, the missing last ACTIVATE was the same thing which, in the first versions of Fallout 3, could cause the player to lose all of his items permanently in the course of the Raven Rock trip. So its not like it's the only time in recorded history someone left that last ACTIVATE out. At least the consequences on this one are limited to very occcasional, unexplainable WAIT being dumped on a follower.
I don't know why doors with unrestricted onactivate code run their code when nothing SHOULD be touching the door other than the player. I just know with 100% certainty that it happens.