I had no problem with using a large quantity of mods including several overhaul mods with my steam installation except for the following:
Wrye Bash includes a file called bash_default.ini
This file is supposed to include listings of all the settings and file paths for various programs and files that Wrye Bash needs to access. You can adjust the file paths so that they refer to the correct directories and then save a copy of the file as "bash.ini"
However, when I installed Wrye Bash, the bash_default.ini was incomplete and missing most of the example entries. Fortunately, forum member JdeRau was kind enough to post the text from his bash_default.ini file for me.
Here is my modified version for my steam installation (Windows 7 64-bit) - yours may vary.
In particular, you will most likely want to change the line "sTes4GeckoJavaArg=-Xmx8192m" to "sTes4GeckoJavaArg=-Xmx1024m" - I increased the memory usage to 8GB because I have 16GB available, but I believe most people limit this to 1GB.
Spoiler ; ____ _ _ _ ___ ___ _____
; | _ \ | | (_) (_) |__ \ / _ \ | ____|
; | |_) | __ _ ___| |__ _ _ __ _ ) || (_) || |__
; | _ < / _` / __| '_ \ | | '_ \| | / / > _ < |___ \
; | |_) | (_| \__ \ | | |_| | | | | | / /_ | (_) | ___) |
; |____/ \__,_|___/_| |_(_)_|_| |_|_| |____| \___/ |____/
;--This is the generic version of Bash.ini. If you want to set values here,
; then copy this to "bash.ini" and edit as desired.
; Bool option (b*****) - use any of:
; True, 1, Yes, On
; False, 0, No, Off
; Paths - You can use either:
; Absolute Path
; Example=C:\Games\Oblivion Mods
; Relative path, where path is relative to the Oblivion install directory
; Example=Tools\Tes4Files.exe
; _____ _
; / ____| | |
; | | __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ | |
; | | |_ | / _ \| '_ \ / _ \| '__|/ _` || |
; | |__| || __/| | | || __/| | | (_| || |
; \_____| \___||_| |_| \___||_| \__,_||_|
;--sOblivionMods is the Alternate root directory for installers, etc.
; It is strongly recommended that you do NOT put it anywhere under the
; Oblivion install directory itself, because Oblivion.exe will search through
; every directory under the install directory.
; This "directory thrashing" can then cause performance problems during gameplay.
; sOblivionMods is defined specifically to circumvent this bug by storing files elsewhere.
sOblivionMods=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion Mods\
;--OblivionPath is the Oblivion directory (containing Oblivion.exe).
; Use this argument if Bash is located outside of the Oblivion directory.
; If using a relative path, will be relative to the Mopy directory
; Example=C:\Games\Oblivion
sOblivionPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\
;--User directory arguments.
; These arguments allow you to specify your user directories in several ways.
; These are only useful if the regular procedure for getting the user directory fails.
; And even in that case, the user is probably better off installing win32com.
;--UserPath is the user profile path.
; May help if HOMEDRIVE and/or HOMEPATH are missing from the user's environment.
; Example=C:\Documents and Settings\Wrye
;--PersonalPath is the user's personal directory.
; Must be used in conjunction with the -l argument.
; Example=C:\Documents and Settings\Wrye\My Documents
;--LocalAppDataPath is the user's local application data directory.
; Must be used in conjunction with the -p argument.
; Example=C:\Documents and Settings\Wrye\Local Settings\Application Data
; _____ _ _ _
; / ____| | | | | (_)
; | (___ ___ | |_ | |_ _ _ __ __ _ ___
; \___ \ / _ \| __|| __|| || '_ \ / _` |/ __|
; ____) || __/| |_ | |_ | || | | || (_| |\__ \
; |_____/ \___| \__| \__||_||_| |_| \__, ||___/
; __/ |
; |___/
;--For various options in Bash
;--sScriptFileExt is the extention that will be used for the exported scripts
; when running 'Export Scripts' (defaults to .txt)
;--iKeepLog: is how much log to record- set to a number in between 0 and 4
; with 0 being no log, and 4 being maximum logging (not fully implemented yet)
;--sLogFile: where to save the log to, defaults to Mopy/bash.log
;--iIconSize is the size (in pixels) for the tool launcher icons. Valid entries
; are 16 and 32. Or if you want a different size create new icons with the same
; names as the *32.png but with the 32 changed to whatever size you want.
;--bEnableWizard: whether or not to enable the scripted installation ability
; if enabled Bash REQUIRES the Python WinAPI to be installed -- or Bash will not start
; (1 or 0 or True or False)
;--bSkipResetTimeNotifications: whether or not to skip notification about mod
; modification times reset by Lock Times.
; (1 or 0 or True or False)
;--bShowTextDifference****: toggles display of a text difference in the mods tab for that type of mod
;--o*****TextColour: what colour of text to display in the mods tab for that type of mod
; can be any valid wxPython colour or an RGB tuple
;--s*****TextStyle: What style of text to display in the mods tab for that type of mod
; can be any valid wxPython text style.
oDeactivateTextStyle=(8, wx.NORMAL, wx.SLANT, wx.NORMAL)
;bAutoItemCheck: determines whether to automatically check new items in the bashed patch
;bSkipHideConfirmation: determines whether the hide confirmations are shown
; _______ _ ____ _ _
; |__ __| | | / __ \ | | (_)
; | | ___ ___ | | | | | | _ __ | |_ _ ___ _ __ ___
; | | / _ \ / _ \ | | | | | || '_ \ | __|| | / _ \ | '_ \ / __|
; | || (_) || (_) || | | |__| || |_) || |_ | || (_) || | | |\__ \
; |_| \___/ \___/ |_| \____/ | .__/ \__||_| \___/ |_| |_||___/
; | |
; |_|
[Tool Options]
; all tool launcher options for paths can be absolute paths or relative from the head
; of the oblivion folder (that's the one with your Oblivion.exe in it). Any others are explained with the option.
;--Whether or not to show the various larger non core tool launcher segments
;=========ESM/ESP/LOD/NIF Tool Launchers===========;
;--sTes4GeckoPath is the path to look for Tes4Gecko (defaults to Tes4Gecko.jar).
; sTes4GeckoJavaArg is the memory size argument used for launching Tes4Gecko.
;--sTes4FilesPath is the path that Bash will look for Tes4Files (defaults to Tes4Files.exe).
;--sTes4EditPath is the path that Bash will look for Tes4Edit\View\Trans (defaults to Tes4Edit.exe).
sTes4EditPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\Tes4Edit.exe
;--sTes4LodGenPath is the path that Bash will look for Tes4LodGen
; (defaults to Tes4LodGen.exe).
sTes4LodGenPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\TES4LODGen\Tes4LodGen.exe
;--sNifskopePath is the path that Bash will look for Nifskope (defaults to
; C:\Program Files\NifTools\NifSkope\nifskope.exe).
sNifskopePath=C:\Program Files\NifTools\NifSkope\nifskope.exe
;===========3D Modeling Tool Launchers=============;
;--sArtOfIllusion is the path that Bash will look for Art of Illusion.
sArtOfIllusion=C:\Program Files\ArtOfIllusion\Art of Illusion.exe
;--sAutoCad is the path that Bash will look for AutoCad.
sAutoCad=C:\Program Files\Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3\acad.exe
;--sBlenderPath is the path that Bash will look for Blender (defaults to
; C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\Blender.exe).
sBlenderPath=C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\Blender.exe
;--sGmaxPath is the path that Bash will look for Gmax (defaults to
; C:\GMAX\gmax.exe).
;--sMaxPath is the path that Bash will look for 3dsMax.
sMaxPath=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\3dsmax.exe
;--sMayaPath is the path that Bash will look for Maya.
;--sMilkShape3D is the path that Bash will look for MilkShape 3D.
sMilkShape3D=C:\Program Files\MilkShape 3D 1.8.4\ms3d.exe
;--sWings3D is the path that Bash will look for Wings3D.
sWings3D=C:\Program Files\wings3d_1.2\Wings3D.exe
;==========Texturing/DDS Tool Launchers============;
;--sArtweaver is the path that Bash will look for Artweaver.
sArtweaver=C:\Program Files\Artweaver 1.0\Artweaver.exe
;--sDDSConverter is the path that Bash will look for DDSConverter.
sDDSConverter=C:\Program Files\DDS Converter 2\DDS Converter 2.exe
;--sDogwaffle is the path that Bash will look for Dogwaffle.
sDogwaffle=C:\Program Files\project dogwaffle\dogwaffle.exe
;--sGenetica is the path that Bash will look for Genetica.
sGenetica=C:\Program Files\Spiral Graphics\Genetica 3.5\Genetica.exe
;--sGeneticaViewer is the path that Bash will look for Genetica Viewer.
sGeneticaViewer=C:\Program Files\Spiral Graphics\Genetica Viewer 3\Genetica Viewer 3.exe
;--sGIMP is the path that Bash will look for GIMP.
sGIMP=C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-2.6.exe
;--sGimpShop is the path that Bash will look for Gimp Shop.
sGimpShop=C:\Program Files\GIMPshop\bin\gimp-2.2.exe
;--sInkscape is the path that Bash will look for InkScape.
sInkscape=C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe
;--sPaintNet is the path that Bash will look for Paint.Net.
sPaintNET=C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\PaintDotNet.exe
;--sPhotoshopPath is the path that Bash will look for Photoshop.
sPhotoshopPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Photoshop.exe
;--sPixelStudio is the path that Bash will look for Pixel Studio Pro.
sPixelStudio=C:\Program Files\Pixel\Pixel.exe
;--sTwistedBrush is the path that Bash will look for Twisted Brush.
sTwistedBrush=C:\Program Files\Pixarra\TwistedBrush Open Studio\tbrush_open_studio.exe
;--sPhotoScape is the path that Bash will look for PhotoScape.
sPhotoScape=C:\Program Files\PhotoScape\PhotoScape.exe
;--sPhotobie is the path that Bash will look for Photobie Design Studio.
sPhotobie=C:\Program Files\Photobie\Photobie.exe
;--sPhotoFiltre is the path that Bash will look for PhotoFiltre.
sPhotoFiltre=C:\Program Files\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre.exe
;--sPaintShopPhotoPro is the path that Bash will look for Paint Shop Photo Pro.
sPaintShopPhotoPro=C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel PaintShop Photo Pro\X3\PSPClassic\Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo.exe
;=========General/Modding Tool Launchers===========;
;--sBSACMD is the path that Bash will look for BSA Commander.
sBSACMD=C:\Program Files\BSACommander\bsacmd.exe
;--sEggTranslator is the path that Bash will look for Egg Translator.
sEggTranslator=C:\Program Files\Egg Translator\EggTranslator.exe
;--sISOBL is the path that Bash will look for ISOBL.
;--sISRMG is the path that Bash will look for Insanity's ReadMe Generator.
sISRMG=Insanitys ReadMe Generator.exe
;--sISRNG is the path that Bash will look for Random Name Generator.
sISRNG=Random Name Generator.exe
;--sISRNPCG is the path that Bash will look for Insanity's Random NPC Generator.
sISRNPCG=Random NPC.exe
;--sMAP is the path that Bash will look for Interactive Map of Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles.
sMAP=Modding Tools\Interactive Map of Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles 3.52\Mapa v 3.52.exe
;--sOblivionBookCreatorPath is the path that Bash will look for Oblivion Book Creator
;--sOBMLG is the path that Bash will look for Oblivion Mod List Generator.
sOBMLG=Modding Tools\Oblivion Mod List Generator\Oblivion Mod List Generator.exe
;--sOBFEL is the path that Bash will look for Oblivion Face Exchange Lite.
sOBFEL=C:\Program Files\Oblivion Face Exchange Lite\OblivionFaceExchangeLite.exe
;--sRADVideo is the path that Bash will look for RAD Video Tools.
sRADVideo=C:\Program Files\RADVideo\radvideo.exe
;======Screenshot/Benchmarking Tool Launchers======;
;--sFraps is the path that Bash will look for FRAPS.
sFraps=C:\Program Files (x86)\Fraps\Fraps.exe
;--sIrfanView is the path that Bash will look for Irfan View.
sIrfanView=C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe
;--sXnView is the path that Bash will look for XnView.
sXnView=C:\Program Files\XnView\xnview.exe
;--sFastStone is the path that Bash will look for FastStone Image Viewer.
sFastStone=C:\Program Files\FastStone Image Viewer\FSViewer.exe
;============Sound/Audio Tool Launchers============;
;--sABCAmberAudioConverter is the path that Bash will look for ABC Amber Audio Converter.
sABCAmberAudioConverter=C:\Program Files\ABC Amber Audio Converter\abcaudio.exe
;--sAudacity is the path that Bash will look for Audacity.
sAudacity=C:\Program Files\Audacity\Audacity.exe
;--sMediaMonkey is the path that Bash will look for Media Monkey.
sMediaMonkey=C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\MediaMonkey.exe
;=========Text/Development Tool Launchers==========;
;--sNPP is the path that Bash will look for Notepad++.
sNPP=C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
;--sWinMerge is the path that Bash will look for WinMerge.
sWinMerge=C:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe
;--sFreeMind is the path that Bash will look for FreeMind.
sFreeMind=C:\Program Files\FreeMind\Freemind.exe
;========Other/Miscellaneous Tool Launchers========;
;--sAniFX is the path that Bash will look for AniFX.
sAniFX=C:\Program Files\AniFX 1.0\AniFX.exe
;--sFileZilla is the path that Bash will look for FileZilla.
sFileZilla=C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe
;--sIcoFX is the path that Bash will look for IcoFX.
sIcoFX=C:\Program Files\IcoFX 1.6\IcoFX.exe
;--sLogitechKeyboard is the path that Bash will look for Logitech G11 Keyboard Profiler.
sLogitechKeyboard=C:\Program Files\Logitech\GamePanel Software\G-series Software\LGDCore.exe
;--sSteam is the path that Bash will look for Steam.
sSteam=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe
;--sEVGAPrecision is the path that Bash will look for EVGA Precision.
sEVGAPrecision=C:\Program Files\EVGA Precision\EVGAPrecision.exe
;;;============CUSTOM Tool Launchers=============;;;
;--sCustom# is the path for custom tool launchers
; sCustom#opt is the option switch(es) used for launching that tool.
; sCustom#txt is the tool tip text to show for that launcher.
; Can be an .exe file, Java app, or anything that can be double-clicked
; ...opt works a bit differently depending on what you're launching:
; exe: Acts as a command line option
; Java apps: Like .exe, but note that it applies to the .jar rather than JavaW (as opposed to Tes4Gecko above)
; Others: Acts as Microsoft's "command verbs" as seen in Explorer (i.e., print, edit, find, explore)
; All icons have to be in Mopy\images and named custom#16.png or custom#32.png
; (where # is replaced by a number between 1 and 18)
sCustom1txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom2txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom3txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom4txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom5txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom6txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom7txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom8txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom9txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom10txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom11txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom12txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom13txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom14txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom15txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom16txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom17txt=Tooltip Text
sCustom18txt=Tooltip Text
EDIT: Also, check the Xmas specials - I believe there is a pretty amazing package deal including Oblivion GOTY, Morrowind, FO3 GOTY and New Vegas.