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Current FCOM Issues being worked on:
FCOM patch for Origin of the Mages Guild accidentally requires Slof's Oblivion Trader. For those who use Origin of the Mages Guild but not Slof's Oblivion Trader, this will cause CTD on launch due to the missing master required by the FCOM patch. Fixed file: in FCOM 0.9.8.FCOM_TamrielicIngredients.esp accepts the {{BASH:merge}} tag when you use Mark Mergeable, but then chokes the Rebuild Patch process if you leave that plugin "virtually active". Seems to be choking on one renamed Ingredient. Fixed in Wrye Bash v132.Relev/Delev plugins -- such as FCOM_Francescos.esp -- do not work properly when "virtually active". Fixed in Wrye Bash v131.Fran items not dropping on standard enemies (bandits/marauders/vampires/etc). Fixed in 0.9.4 (out now!).FCOM_WarCry.esp contains one broken enemy spawn list that will cause CTD. Add just after FCOM_WarCry.esp and then Rebuild Patch. Fixed in 0.9.4 (out now!).
- If you're using Deadly Reflex 4.x, then you may be able to improve reliability of DR by disabling MMM - Extra Wounding.
- Version 3.5.3 ONLY: If you use Extra Wounding option, you must use No Carrion Rats. Otherwise the Carrion Rats will get wounding tokens and cause CTDs. This problem with Extra Wounding is fixed in MMM 3.5.4 beta.
- Version 3.5.4 Beta ONLY: NPCs stuck in floor (unknown cause). Under investigation.
OOO Guards not equipping swords (; fix included in upcoming RC54). Fixed in OOO 1.32.Final.