The moment I got my first stronghold. I was Hlaalu. I had no idea I would get my own house as a reward. I had been camping out in a shack in Seyda Neen before moving it all to Caldera where I was squatting to be near the creeper. After much long waiting I was informed that my stronghold was ready, so I walked from Balmora, down the path to Rethan Manor, and opened the doors and was greeted by my retainers. I was
I didn't care that Caldera was more convenient. I moved in right away. And then I decided to mod my stronghold, because I wanted to make it even more a place of my own. I added a basemant with a hidden grotto full of waterfalls, a private chapel, a storage room, and a modest library in the front room, among other things. I was forever hooked on Morrowind from then on.
My favorite moments now are pretty much every time I write a complicated script, and it finally does exactly what I intended it to do after hours of fixing bugs:
- The first time my kitchen cook offered me the right meal at the right time, and then refused to give me any more until dinner;
- The first time my tower elevator moved smoothly between all floors;
- The first time my mistress ran away with another wizard;
- The first time I successfully turned the entire Telvanni council into rocks and they begged me to change them back again
