There were some extra files accidently included with the latest Deadly reflex package -- (I think they used tes4files to package it and forgot they had a body replacer installed that changed the path to the files and so tes4files included those in the packaging of the mod.) -- just need to delete those files and you'll be back to the originals.
From the comments page on Nexus :
To remove the nvde mods from this mod, simply remove any files containing the words "Upper body" from the Characters/_male folder. This is Upperbody.egt, upperbody.nif, and femaleupperbody.egt if I remember right, give or take a letter, and then re-install your body mod of choice (I use Robert's Male V5 and Female V12 with the underwear models that are normally installed by default.)
It's a simple mistake for Skycaptain to have made seeing as he probably plays at some point while testing his mod, and it's simple enough to remove if you know what files to look for and remove/replace, so be kind and redirect other people to the characters/_male folder and the upperbody files to remove so they won't refuse to play with this superb mod active
But looks like you also need to delete the male lowerbody as well in your case ! (actually deleting the entire folder will make things go back to the OB default if you do not use any body mod.