FalloutNV works almost flawlessly with the minor exceptions to new bugs from last patch 1.2 update that most are having. With that said i decided to add FalloutNV to Nividia's 3D Program setting profiles list. And without actually editting any setting yet from the General "global" settings, the game Crashed to desktop every couple of minutes, just haulted... strange since originally I haven't changed a setting yet just added the game to the list, nothing more. After removing the Program off the 3d profile settings (manually) it went back to smooth sailing. Technically it's still using the general graphic settings, just not on the profile list.
Just thought to throw that out their for those that like to add profiles by default for every game you install to get more graphic detail/performance out of them. Seems to me Fallout New Vegas doesn't like to be PROFILED !!
