» Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:55 pm
I'm not sure if that fits here, just in case, I play DarkUI DarN and have configured the UI to display no crossair, compass shows no sign or mark (it only shows directions) and map dones't show quest or player markers, not even player position, and also quests doesn't pop up when I start them, and so I try to complete quests based on what I've been told in game rather that checking the map or quests logs and it's easier to get lost, wich is nice for me (I'm still missing someway to make quests update play no sound). Also without crossair is still being quite easy to aim with the bow but aiming spells is quite harder, plus I play Duke Patrick's Near Miss Magic and Arrow Alert NPCs so all in all it's more challenging.
Another thing that bothered me about vanilla oblivion was combat lasting too long so anything making combat deadlier is fine. Currently I'm playing DP Combat Archery and Kuertee's Attribute and Skill Based Damage Modifiers with archery damage lowered a bit (it's still very deadly).
Currently I'm testing a "long term fatigue" setting, with Tejón's Fatigue Effects set to regain fatigue very slowly and drop it slowly too for each action (it takes about 2 min to fill up completely). The reason is trying to make each action's consequence lasting longer so if the player engages combat right after a long run he will probably be in a low fatigue and won't recover it quickly in a break or two but rather will need to fight with care or even avoid fighting for a while. The problem is that there's a lot of mods affecting fatigue or mods that causes you a fatigue drop for certain actions and sometimes it's hard to track them all, and also playing that way kinda loose the combat tempo, like that split second you hold on to catch you breath and strike again, but I prefear it that way.
I'm also trying to rely on "immersive" visual indicators, for health I use Saturation Health Indication and TFE's blurry effect for Fatigue, but I'm still lacking one for magicka so stats bars are displayed, faded out, but still visible when low.
I also changed timescale, I'm moving between 5 and 10.
edit: typo