with no block for one handed weapons, it would make sense for you to be able to block by hitting a sword away with your sword
this would also allow for counter attacks!! if i had two swords and managed to block my opponents one sword i would have a clear opening to put my blade into his chest.
if you are going to use a sword to protect yourself from an animal it's going to do some damage! wolves would be much more fun to fight if you had to time your swing when they pounce
it would also be nice to have locational damage and crippling . if someone has a shield blocking their body and an amazing daedric helmet then it should make sense for me to go for the legs!.
i think it would be fun if the undead could have pieces whacked off of them. or if i could make a bandit's limb useless so that he can't escape (and then i could do a cool execution on him to scare his friends)