I mean, you guys are gracious enough to develop the title for all 3 peripherals but only 1 will be getting the add on content?! That is filled with a flavorful taunt and not a good flavor either because this maniacal act of injustice really leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I really am considering my options right now and those options don't include going out to buy a 360. Oh well, I'm just a peon and 1 sale. Meaningless to a glorious stronghold that is Besthesda. Congrats on irritating a loyal customer on this day of devilish biblical proportions. I can see it now while the company swimming in dough and forum mods just laugh at my rage, locking this and ignoring all the outcry over this issue as if nothing is happening. My day is done here, and I wish you at Besthesda well but a sale is lost on this day unless things change.