fame or no fame

Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:41 pm

was wondering thise for the upcomming game skyrim how they gona do it with the fame system.
as in the pre game oblivion for example surtant guilds and quest wold surtantly give you fame or unfame regardless of what your act was.
in other words like for example if you do quest for the fighter guild you always end up with fame and thiefes guild always with unfame
altough some of the thief guild quest would be more of a robin hood actions or acting against a corupted up stand class member thise means fame would conect to what the upper class thinks of you and not just what majority thinks
my point here what i like to see if that they make fame system more based on the actions you take rather than for what faction you work
altough i know that good and evil are just perspectife on how you look against things i would like to see of what we called good and evil are action based in skyrim
not faction based :) or in other option remove the whole fame sytem and let the world shape and react to you based how you played as every1 fame is another and oyu can decide what in your eyes is called being famed or unfamed

sorry for my bad englisch btw i tryed make it as understanble as i can get: P
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Steve Smith
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:28 pm

That is a word now?
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:26 pm

I think it would be cool- as long as they don't make it too important, like Fallout.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:37 am

I like the idea of fame and infamy having an effect on NPCs, like if they've heard of some of your bad deeds, or heard if you saved some captive. But I dont like how quests would be specifically bad or good to give these points. This is a tricky thing fame and infamy...
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:26 am

That is a word now?

ment infame sorry :)

I like the idea of fame and infamy having an effect on NPCs, like if they've heard of some of your bad deeds, or heard if you saved some captive. But I dont like how quests would be specifically bad or good to give these points. This is a tricky thing fame and infamy...

indeed that also what i ment like if you act againt a corupted guard in the help of the needy but because it would be a thiefes guild quest it would give ya infame and i think that should be fame in thise situation so i hope they would look more to situation matters and even on the quest give you multiple choise on how you can complete like for example if you get from the thiefes guild the quest to steal the monny of a corupted guard you should give a option once you find prove of his guild wile you search his house you can black mail him force him to let you pay the gold wich would lead to infame or you can give to prove to more lawfull guard and let him arest the corupted guard and return the gold to the rightfull owners wich would lead to fame on the same thiefes guild quest
its not total freedom in it i agree but it would be a step in more independant fame rather bound to a faction
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Philip Rua
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:37 pm

I like fame and infamy. I can't recall, but I think in OB if you killed someone for the DB you got infamy even if no one knew you did it. I'd like that to go away. I would also like to see more reactions to you based on your fame/infamy.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:33 pm

Yeah, I'd love to see multiple ways of completing quests. Like with fallout, you get confronted by enemies who may make you offers, like a bandit leader may offer you a cut of the ransom money if you "convince" the parent to pay for their kidnapped child. You gain Fame for freeing the child, Infamy for making the grubby deal.

Could also be related to the types of Factions you join if they are exclusive. For example, Dark Brotherhood gives you Infamy, Morag Tong if its in, Fame (for having honor) You can't join both so you have to choose, which is the one for you.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:57 pm

I like fame and infamy. I can't recall, but I think in OB if you killed someone for the DB you got infamy even if no one knew you did it. I'd like that to go away. I would also like to see more reactions to you based on your fame/infamy.

Yeah, I also think that if an action is not witnessed there should be no point gains. Its kind of like murdering someone at night, not a single witness and all of a sudden the guards 3 towns over know you did it.

If you are not seen doing the act and dont tell anyone you did it (no quest turnin) you should gain no points either way.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:15 pm

I like fame and infamy. I can't recall, but I think in OB if you killed someone for the DB you got infamy even if no one knew you did it. I'd like that to go away. I would also like to see more reactions to you based on your fame/infamy.

agreed fame or infame should be also based on what the people know and not of what the people dont know :) if you kill some1 without letting some1 know why would they sudenly hate you? its like "i dont know if you done someting but for some strange reason i do not know of i like you less "
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:29 pm

was wondering thise for the upcomming game skyrim how they gona do it with the fame system.
as in the pre game oblivion for example surtant guilds and quest wold surtantly give you fame or unfame regardless of what your act was.
in other words like for example if you do quest for the fighter guild you always end up with fame and thiefes guild always with unfame
altough some of the thief guild quest would be more of a robin hood actions or acting against a corupted up stand class member thise means fame would conect to what the upper class thinks of you and not just what majority thinks
my point here what i like to see if that they make fame system more based on the actions you take rather than for what faction you work
altough i know that good and evil are just perspectife on how you look against things i would like to see of what we called good and evil are action based in skyrim
not faction based :) or in other option remove the whole fame sytem and let the world shape and react to you based how you played as every1 fame is another and oyu can decide what in your eyes is called being famed or unfamed

sorry for my bad englisch btw i tryed make it as understanble as i can get: P

As I have said before I absolutely despise the fame and infamy system.
I hope that bethesda has enough sense to put in a simple good neutral evil system.
I don't understand why beth has to make their alignment system so complicated with
numbers.Death to old alignment system.
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:23 am

As I have said before I absolutely despise the fame and infamy system.
I hope that bethesda has enough sense to put in a simple good neutral evil system.
I don't understand why beth has to make their alignment system so complicated with
numbers.Death to old alignment system.

hehe :) thats the point were arguing about :) some of us like me also love to see the old fame system go
in my optinion numbers dont have to be in it at all i just it will be more a reaction on action thing
to put it simple you do a act and some people will love you for it and some people will hate you for it
otherwords fame cant be bound to 1 system as for those who love you you would be fameous and for thouse that hate you you would be infamous so fame cant be a regulair thing with numbers indeed so the whole good evil neutral thing is just a matter of perspectife for the dark brotherhood for example i think they see themself as the goodguys wile the overall people see them as badguys and lunatic murders
so like i said before i hope they make it fame and infame more a thing in a way that it shape the world and how peopel overall react based on the action and choises you take rather then a counting system as we also agru before how could you gain infame if you murder some1 wile no1 even knows of the murder
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