1. With my previous character, Deidre the Redguard thiefesque-type, went into the Skningrad Mage's Guild and was chatting with mages. When she went into the library Sulinus Vassinus attacked her for no apparent reason. Ran out in the street and the guards wound up killing him. It was like he was a monster.
2. With my current character, Jack the Redguard "Scout," went into the expensive inn in Skingrad (the one with Sinderion) and this "Karina Wolfspeed" character did the same thing: attacked for no reason, ran outside, guards killed her. Then I got this popup "Karina has been killed and cannot be recruited." So I did a search and see she is part of the Daedric Invasion mod I have installed.
Any ideas what could be going on here and how I might fix or avoid it?
My characters tend to be thieves but not like Daedra lovers or necromancers or anything. Jack hasn't even murdered anyone (yet