I want to use the console to add an item to an NPC. If I do it with a vanilla item, I use the FormID - the code from a hidden column between EditorID and Count. But when I try to do it with an item added by the mod, it answers "Item XXX not found for parameter ObjectID, compiles script not saved", even though I use the same kind of FormID, and the mod containing the item is certainly turned on. What am I doing wrong?
I suspect the problem may be that when using a console command for a mod (or DLC/expansion) item, the ID needs to be preceded by two characters that correspond to the mod's (or DLC/expansion) load order. Smarter people than I can tell you how to determine the load order. I could never count it out right, even after reading about hexidecimal gobbldiblob and such. I simply ask Wrye Bash and it tells me. :tongue: