Just because Todd says graphics are important, doesn't make it true. It's an opinion. In my opinion, graphics don't matter. I would be happy if TES V looked like Morrowind, or even Daggerfall, as long as it had solid gameplay, lore, and whatnot.
Thank the Nines you aren't the lead designer! The vast majority of gamers would be unhappy with the game quality, and Bethesda would take a massive financial hit and drop in stocks

A good game excels in a couple of aspects. A great game excels in
all aspects. I'm hoping TES:V will be a great game.
Though I'm sure Microsoft will wait well until NATAL is out the door before they let any information slip, last thing they would want to do is let any sales drop from NATAL because some people want to wait for next gen.
You're right, and that's why it won't be until next year at the earliest that we hear about the next gen. But a new generation of consoles could also coincide with a price drop for the current gen. The PS2 was 6 years old when the PS3 was released, and it can still be found on store shelves to this day, over 10 years since it was first released! I'm sure Natal and Move won't delay next gen announcements for very long.
Fallout 3 for the PS3 was horrible in how smoot it ran, after DLC was released for it. Can anyone please explain what the problem was there? Is there a way around this problem for TES V?
Bethesda did a terrible job of porting it from the PC and 360, basically. Hopefully they've learned how to avoid this problem in the future. Although the PS3 is a very powerful piece of kit, it is designed in a very alien way for game developers. As a result of its CPU and RAM structure it is difficult to port games made for the 360 and PC first, without either losing performance or making significant changes to the game's code. That's why despite first party games looking better on PS3 than 360 (Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, compared to Fable 2 and Gears of War 2), multi-plat games tend to look better on 360 - such as Bayonetta having a lower contrast on PS3, and Red Dead Redemption running at a lower resolution on PS3, as well as the lag and freezing you see in Fallout 3. It's a shame. Valve even refuses to release games on the PS3 full stop because of this problem.
The 360 hasn't yet reached its maximum potential, nowhere near. The most obvious evidence of this is project NATAL but I could offer other examples as well.
That's an exaggeration. The console is very near its maximum potential, especially with CryEngine 3 on the horizon. I will be amazed if we see any games better looking than that, let alone games that far exceed it as your 'nowhere near' statement suggests. Natal even leaches processor power from the 360 when it is used, which has led to developers stating that they cannot provide backwards compatibility for Natal with games already released, since there isn't enough processing power left to give.
Developers will always find ways to better optimize their games, but at this stage that will only lead to small improvements. There is no doubt that with the graphical knowledge gained since Oblivion's release, and indeed a knowledge of the console specs this time around, we will see a massive graphical boost from TES:IV to TES:V.