Download my little mod.
extract it into your Fallout NV's data folder. And when running the launcher make sure its ticked in the data files section.
It gives the following.
x10 more experience from lockpicking and hacking, lockpicking once you start it and you have the necessary skill points to do so will give 100% force lock, hacking will give you one word to choose from so basically 100% success rate.
Travel Light will basically double your run speed

VATS will have a higher hit rate chance.
If you have the classic DLC from pre-ordering the Vault 13 armor will have a high amount of DT (it wont stop you from losing limbs

) and the 10mm gun will have huge DPS, and not use ammo or get damaged.
The vault 13 canteen will have a 60 second cooldown and give 60 seconds of healing, hydration and food effect also, plus the message quickly flashes up to the point you wont see it most of the time.
Its a stinker of a way to cheat but ideal for people on their 3rd or more run in the game and don't want to have to go through hordes of hours just to see a different ending etc.