while i really understand your urge to use copy protection, I really cannot accept using a platform that is programmed in a way that a 12 year old girl without computer experience could do better.
While in theory and the idea behind steam may be good and also an acceptable way (at least for me) as copy protection, the bugs that are contained in the platform and their really incompetent user support make it not acceptable to use it.
The history behind it: I had used steam before NV and usually got along ok (only 1 game installed). I installed NV...still no problem. When i wanted to launch NV today steam wanted yet another update (annoying...but ok). Update cannot be skipped, which is annyoing and it also won't complete, breaking up at exactly 26% stating that it cannot complete due to a problem with steamtmp.exe. No matter what I do...problem persists. I tried reinstalling steam, but now it won't even install anymore ( and additionally wiped the steam app folder...silly me did not backup it). Without being able to install steam I also cannot install NV anymore. Same issues seem to appear all around steam quite often, without any solution.
As a customer this is simply not acceptable. Theres no way to manually update steam, move to offline mode when theres currently no net connection available, annoying messages when startting games in offline mode, etc etc. The platform is despite being already very old, very badly programmed and really should not be used. There have to be better means to protect your games.
This is my opinion as IT specialist, so I do at least halfway know about what im ranting. NV was definetly the last game i bought with steam activation (being the second).
PS: If anyone knows how to solve my problem of reinstalling steam please comment: at 26% ERROR: Could not spawn self updater SteamTMP.exe. (It is not the firewall and also not the Connection or Anti Virus...)